From confidential employee records to client invoices and sales data, every business is responsible for disposing of all their confidential information securely. Using normal waste disposal or recycling schemes risk vital information falling into the wrong hands, A fast, efficient destruction of paper and data is required to ensure data destruction companies remain Data Protection Act compliant and can destroy sensitive information at a rate that ensures a cost effective business model.
Document management and control is strictly regulated under the Data Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act. Due to the very nature of the service that data destruction companies provides, large volumes of paper records ranging from one page to thousands need to be securely shredded.

Russell Richardsons and Sons Ltd based in Sheffield and Datashredder’s of March in Cambridgeshire have long successful histories within this ever changing market, both have recently moved away from competitors shredding equipment to install state of the art Lindner Micromat’s, by utilising this range of equipment, (a Lindner machine that can hark back to almost four decades of continuous production and technical improvement), they are able to achieve the following :-
Process Description: The shredding of confidential documents
Shredder Model: Micromat 2000
Material Type: Paper
Throughput: 8-10 tons per hour
Finished Fraction Size: 30mm (fraction sizes upwards of 10mm is possible)
Customer Comments – Datashredders
Datashredders based in Cambridgeshire are delighted with the Micromat’s per-formance, MD Edward Lefevre said that he opted for Machtech as their partner because “we value the service side of our business as well as liking the shredder” he also felt that the Micromat offers features that no other shredder in the indus-try could match.
Mr LeFevre said that ‘he looked at other key suppliers before choosing the Micromat as he felt that it offered the highest throughput which is going to make a massive difference to the operation, we liked the design and at the moment we are achieving in excess of 8tph with an average fraction size of <40mm and we haven’t even pushed the Micromat to capacity yet!’
Ed said that ‘it was clear from the start that Machtech Services had the experience and knowledge of this type of equipment which as far as he’s concerned is unrivalled in the UK market. What also came across was their ability to demonstrate their confidence in the products without being pushy at the prospect of a sale, In addition to all of the points above Machtech Services have done everything possible to assist Datashredders, this includes shipping three different screen configurations to site ready for future testing. These tests will enable Datashredders to speak with confidence to prospective customers about varying shred sizes should they need to.
Customer Comments – Russell Richardsons and Sons Ltd
Russell Richardsons, based in Sheffield invested for the purpose of secure off site document destruction. The Lindner Micromat 2000 is powered by a 132kW drive, and has hopper volume of 4.5 m3, the Micromat’s 2025mm length rotor carries 104 x 40mm cutters offering a clean homogenous fraction. The Micromat’s easy change screen offers a smaller shred size and higher level of security that conforms to any DIN standard, and it minimizes the chance of reconstructing the shredded document. Whether documents come in paper form, CDs, video tapes, or within electronic memory devices, or even clothing, uniforms etc, the Lindner Micromat has the versatility to provide a secure process that suits any customer’s needs and/or level of confidentiality.
An unbeatable throughput coupled with high volume security, the Micromat delivers high efficiency and lower costs. Along with a jam free operation, you can count on a rapid rate of document and record continuous flow throughput.
Russell Richardson, Managing Director (Jonathan Richardson) was stunned by the power and performance of the Lindner machine and said ‘Mach Tech have always been so helpful, so when we were looking for a much bigger shredder it was only natural to contact Mach Tech as I knew they were already the market leaders in the RDF/SRF market, in total we looked at 5 suppliers and got prices from 3 of them.
Jonathan also said that ‘the biggest issue in the past had been a lack of throughput and bridging problems, we chose the Lindner Micromat because it was a single shaft machine with a large hopper which solved the bridging problem overnight, and MachTech were confident enough in their product to give me a 100% guarantee on a throughput of 5 – 6 tonnes per hour. In fact we are getting between 6 and 7 tonnes on standard paper shredding.
The Micromat has increased production by around 400% over our last twin shaft shredder, we were routinely working weekends and night shifts just to keep up with production. Now, everything is shredded comfortably within the working day and the shredding operators are often waiting for our trucks to return with more material to shred. We run the Micromat off a generator and running costs of that are around £3 per tonne. MachTech bent over backwards to help us with any queries or concerns we had, they achieved just the right balance over staying in touch without being “in our faces” about a potential sale. In the end one of the key factors in our decision to purchase the Micromat was Mach Tech’s confidence in being able to offer a 100% guarantee over the throughput.