At MachTech, we like to ensure the continuation of our customers’ satisfaction such as
Shanks Waste Management Locharmoss who installed a Lindner Komet 2200HP in September 2016 to replace a Lindner Komet 2200

Robert Barr, Shank’s engineering manager North at the Dumfries site told MachTech:
“The old Komet 2200 was 10 years old and had worked for 37000 hours running with 30mm screens producing high quality SRF with no major mechanical issues.
We have had very little issues with the old machine and has been replaced under our life cycle project. I travelled to Lindner in Austria to view the production facilities before we procured the shredder and could only say that I was highly impressed with the complete manufacturing operation.
During the decision-making process,MachTech Services andLindner had completed 3 visits to site with the main contactor to assist in the pricing of installation and Mike Sutcliffe was very helpful in answering any questions relating to the technical issues.The new Komet 2200HP has a different footprint so we had quite a lot of modifications to carry out to allow us to in-stall.
As part ofthe project we lowered the height of the shredder by1100mm for ease of maintenance.The operation to swap out has taken21days from start to finish.The new Komet 2200 HP has exceeded our expectations with throughput.We are producing high quality SRFwith the fraction size well below 30mm.MachTech services commissioned the Komet 2200HP and it has ran trouble free since it went into service.The extra 2 rows of rotor knives gives us the higher quality SRF demanded by our customers.

The first inspection from MachTech has been completed under the service and spares package put together by Phil Nock,wear parts arrived as agreed,at a discounted rate over the course of the year and included knives,screen,seals etc.and has taken the issue of running out of spares away from site management.Increasedt hroughput has allowed us to shut the plant down to carry out planned maintenance due to he time made up after installation of the Komet 2200 HP. The extra throughput has also allowed us to stop running extra shifts at weekends to meet customers’ demands,this was a luxury we did not have with the old machine.

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